Tuesday, August 14, 2007

i don't usually do this but...

...a kind of sleazy dude just said the weirdest/cutest/funniest thing to me. I was walking back after dropping a package off and concentrating on sending a very important text message (with my eyes glued to the phone screen) when this dude says, "you keep walking like that you're gonna walk into a wall and smash your gorgeous face!" I usually keep a straight face when this kind of thing happens and walk on (as would be expected) but i thought it was so funny and weird that I laughed and said something like, "nice."

anyway...just got back from san fran which was a bit of a fiasco (apartment hunting can be a little rough) but i had a great time. I spent most of my time in the mission but i also looked in sunset and a few other places close to golden gate park.
My favorite things that i did/saw are:
- Green Apple books (in richmond. also cool japanese supply stores there)
- store: "stumasa"
(http://www.stumasa.com/) in sunset. so many amazing products. and they make custom cabinets. and they are really good at gift wrapping.
- botanical gardens in golden gate park
- bars: "phone booth" (http://www.yelp.com/biz/gj3JIPaE066SP8wJ2bcmRA) and "elbo room" (http://www.elbo.com/) in the mission
- store: 24th St. Cheese Co. in Nob Hill (and farmers market in Nob Hill is nearby and really awesome. they had a live jug band.)
- restaurant: "foreign cinema" (http://www.foreigncinema.com/home.html) in the mission. they show movies in the courtyard. the food is really really good.

so...we'll see where i end up! but of any other place in this country that i could live in (besides nyc), this would be it by far.

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