You may have an argument with your romantic partner. Don't exchange fire with fire -- this time the fight may very well spiral out of control, leaving you both angry and hurt. Try not to feel depressed about your lot in life, there are many others that wish to be in your position.
Too bad I don't have a romantic partner.
So does that mean that I wish to be in "my" position? HMM. Miss Cleo?
--Woah that was a reference from the past. that just came into my head, but I haven't seen a Miss Cleo commercial in years--
Damn it, they won.
Too bad I didn't have Miss Cleo to foresee the random yet recurring presence of weird deformed-looking guy with stringy blonde hair at the Whole Foods event last night.
Mr. "I don't go to zing parties cause they're not very good" (he relayed this to me the first time I met him--which was a totally random encounter at a bar, where be bragged about going to 12 parties a night, including Martha Stewart's recently-little did I know that my coworkers were quite familiar with him) walks in, pretends he doesn't know who we are (even though we have a big orange tarp up that says 'zingmagazine'), proceeds to take one of everything that's free and walks out. One foul swoop around the room (he didn't even step in the same place twice) and he was outta there! Hilarious.
I guess the Whole Foods event wasn't up to par for Mr. "zing parties aren't good because I get there before anyone shows up and drink all the Champagne" either. Shucks, shoulda hit up Martha. She probably has better free shit to mooch anyway.

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