Thursday, July 26, 2007


my friend max is performing at cakeshop this weekend (he's gogo dancing). please come! i'll be there!

superfriends went out.

I'm happy to be represented on the "zing went out" post on the website (thanks anna!). A few of my friends and i have this thing we do on wednesday (cause we all miraculously have wednesdays off) called "superfriends wednesday" where we pick something hilarious and fun to do as a group activity. last week we went to chelsea market and ate thai food. this week we hung out around park slope and went to the "superhero supply store", which is bascially a store that masks an organization (called 826nyc started by dave eggers (and the mcsweeney's people) of free tutoring for kids. the store sells anything you might need if you were a super hero in need of supplies (bottles of antidote, pressure guns (that shoot ping pong balls), capes, masks, motion detectors, maps of good and evil parts of nyc etc.) here are some pictures:

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


i've been thinking all day about what to write in the blog today (as i've been counting letters and putting labels on envelopes. it should just be stated here and now that one of my favorite activites is doing mailings - from years of doing them working for my mom in the summer growing up. something about letters is appealing to begin with but then there is the wonderful mindless repetition...peel label, place label, stack envelope, grab next envelope, peel label, place label etc. I LOVE IT). so...right. i've been thinking about the blog all day and i couldn't decide on one topic in particular so i'm just going to state a few facts that i learned over the course of the day/weekend:

-I really like park slope a lot.
-ratatouille was not as good as the incredibles but that doesn't change the fact that i'm in love with brad bird and the graphics were terrific. amazing developments in the renderman technology.
-antibiotics can make you feel weird sometimes.
-andrea zittel is my favorite artist. I once wrote a paper about the psychology of confined spaces and i referenced her. I want to meet her someday.

another daydream thing i thought about all day was how to construct a honeycomb in 3D using maya. i think the windows in zing made me think of this. I'll try it out and post something next week.


zingintern esq.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Hello... all our faithful zingblog readers! Happy Monday! It's the start of another beautiful week here in NYC, and the best part is--for all of you NYers whom apparently can't stand to be in the city during the weekend--you can pretend you're on vacation in San Francisco! (at least for today)
But seriously though folks...
Today marks the beginning of my second-to-last week at zing (tear). Not that I'm counting down or anything, I just thought I'd give you all notice so it won't be as much of a blow to you next week. Anger is part of grieving, so is crying, so don't be afraid to let it all out. But until then, I remain you're everyday, loyal zingintern, answering your emails and making lists.

Drew Carey is the new Bob Barker?
that's funny. and I don't mean the 'haha that's funny' funny, but the 'ew that tastes funny' funny.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Gee I wish it were Monday

b b bbb bbbbl bbbbblllll bbbbllllooogg bloggblog blog bloggy blog blog friday blog blog waiting blog for blog happy blog hour blog friday blog bloggy blog blog waiting friday blog happy hour blogger need bloggy weekend blog now.

blah blah blah

Today I found this super helpful website,, and it had a list of every business separated into categories. So I went through the list, figured out which places might buy ads on our website, and called them. So far nobody wants to buy an ad--even though it's a crazy good deal! Only $100 per month to get your ad on the site and in the weekly newsletter. I'll probably continue these phone calls next week. It's a little discouraging, but probably good practice for me, since journalists have to call complete strangers for interviews all the time.

Oh yeah, also, the peach I brought for lunch today was gross. But the other intern picked me up a replacement apple on her lunch hour--ain't she sweet?

See you all next week!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I'm back bitches!

That's right! The Original Non-Anonymous-Who-Later-Became-
Anonymous Intern is back! I went back upstate for a few weeks to finish up my thesis, then went to Maine for two weeks to attend Haystack Arts Camp. I now possess a masters degree in arts journalism and know how to do lithography. I'll have to scan the lithos I made and post them in here in the coming days.

It is good to be back. I missed NYC, especially with it being freezing and rainy every day in Maine. Yeah, it's disgustingly hot and humid here, but it's better than being able to see my breath and having all my clothes feel perpetually damp! Too bad they sorta replaced me here at zing while I was gone. There are now two other new interns.

Tonight we're going to galleries! Hooray! It's been too long. Syracuse doesn't exactly offer much of an art scene.

Kinda hungry. I wish we had some grilled cheese...

P.S. Village Voice Siren Music Fest this Saturday afternoon! Be there or be square. And when you're there, be sure to check out the Detroit Cobras. Sure, their name is totally dumb, but they're a female garage rock band that plays strictly covers of 60s pop songs. NPR had a feature on them last week. They are AWSOME.

birds of paradise

again...back to planet earth. this is by far one of the funniest things i have ever seen:

I hope everyone who was hurt or inconvenienced by the blast yesterday is okay! i had to walk from 14th to 84th street yesterday. oy gevalt. but it could have been much worse! i will never look at a manhole the same way again.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Now that's what I call Music!

Today was a good day at zing, I....I'm sorry I'm distracted from writing my blog because the lyrical styling of Jon bon Jovi singing "Hallelujah" is ringing in my brain. It was bad enough that last night in McDonalds they were playing the worst remakes of the best songs ever. Maybe that's what the album was called "The Worst Remakes of the Best Songs Ever! # 12!" Bon Jovi's hallelujah should be on it. He was a lot better with the long hair. But other than that it was a good day.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

rock in my foot

so...i'm back after a short weekend vacation to block island where i A) fell off my bike for the first time in my life, and B) got a little rock stuck somewhere in my foot which had been slowly poking deeper into my heel all day. but since has been temporarily fixed with a band aid.

I saw this movie at the film forum last week:

It was pretty good although it didn't really pick up til half way through. Belmondo was fantastic though.

i'm really excited to see transformers this week...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Anaximander Who?

Lovely monday. Today went by really fast.
Color-coded maps are fun to make. I spent most of the morning making a delivery route for our magazines, complete with highlighted route, signifiying arrows, and directions along the side. Maybe I should be a cartographer. Amerigo Vespucci style. It could work. On to Tuesday!!

Friday, July 13, 2007

DdddaadaadadadadaThhaattss All Folks!

Cartoons are great. Why do we ever stop watching them? You can never go wrong. They're happy, funny, entertaining, visually stimulating, and don't take themselves seriously at all. You can do anything as a cartoon. There are no rules. Who doesn't want that?!
We watched cartoons all day today (while working very intensely I assure you). Yogi Bear. Robotic Stooges. Flinstones. the Jetsons. Snorks. Mike, Lu, Og. Secret Squirrel. Quick Draw McGraw. Smurfs. Cow & Chicken. Courage the Cowardly Dog. Ahh, like music to my ears.

hmmm....maybe cartoons can kill you?

Have a smurfy weekend, everyone

Thursday, July 12, 2007

too many commas

Today has been another fantastic day at Zing. My head is a little dizzy though from counting letters from these invites so we can order letters for these display things. I think i counted too many commas on that last one but it might have been because i was distracted by the geology program i was watching on the national geographic channel.

tomorrow i'm going to block island and i'm very excited. I haven't been on an actual beach-like vacation in i think 3 years (unless you count the quick visit to freezing cold north berwick in scotland about three weeks ago. i went swimming despite the cold).

tonight i plan on watching the mountains episode of "planet earth" and i can't wait. If any of who still haven't seen planet earth it is essential that you do. today (while counting letters) i watched part of the desert episode. it had elephants in it. it looked like this.

okay, thats it. more from this anonymous intern next week.

there are 49 "A's" in this email.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Welcome to zing

Dear Zing Magazine,

Hello! I am your new intern! Today has been a wonderful day in the joyful practice of interning. I learned how to print labels and tabs and assemble binders and then mail packages via DHL. I am currently drenched in sweat from carrying a package that weighed more than myself from the post office, which won me the respect of many a post office worker and I feel very proud.

I am really enjoying your office! This is by far the cleanest, most well organized, and pretty office that i have ever worked in. And its also air conditioned which is very nice for my current sweaty disposition. I was told to make this blog funny but instead I think i'm sounding more like an old British lady.

Here is something fun I did last weekend:

I didn't shoot that video but it is of the "77 BOADRUM" show where japanese/experimental noise band the Boredoms organized 77 drummers to play simultaneously in Brooklyn Bridge park. Probably one of the single most fantastic shows/events that i have ever been to. They stopped playing right when the sun set so as everyone was leaving all the fireflies came out and it was like this ultra magical beautiful fantastic rock and roll moment.

So thats it for now. I'm going to make some more tabs and labels and enjoy the air conditioning some more. You will definitely hear from me again!

All my love,

Anonymous Intern