Thursday, August 30, 2007

high on a hill was a lonely goatherd

Julie Andrews is on the ellen show right now, and i just started thinking about how much of a super genius she is. i mean...has anybody seen the muppet show that she guest stars on? she sings this song with kermit (i've watched this episode many times) called "When you were a tadpole and I was a fish" that is the most hilarious and amazing thing i've ever seen. my friends and i used to watch it over and over (i own the muppet show on dvd in case you're wondering) because at the end of singing that song she makes the craziest face i've ever seen. its really really funny. but i don't mean to make fun of her because i really do like her a lot.

These are my top ten favorite movie musicals of all time:

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Little Shop of Horrors
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
Funny Face
West Side Story
The Sound of Music
South Pacific
Swing Time

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

awkward moments

well once again, i spent a serious amount of time googling today. funny, there was a time in my life when i couldn't imagine using the word "googling."i must be getting old, as there must be some kids out there who can't remember not using it. maybe i am in denial of almost-turning-30 -anxiety. crap.
anyway in my googling today, i came across another moment worth sharing. this is the best picture i've seen all day. its absurd. its hilarious. its awwwkward....

besides that, my big news is that a few colleagues and myself are headed upstate for the weekend to a grassroots arts and film festival turned mtv plug.i would love to invite you all, you, my fiercely loyal fans, but who are we kidding? you're not about to get in a car to drive to rome, ny, this fine labor day weekend! but i promise to return next week and tell you all about it. maybe there will even be pictures to prove it! of course none of me, or i wouldn't be anonymous anymore, would i? how awkward it would be then seeing each other on the train, or in the street. you knowing who i am, me having no idea you know anything about me...
happy labor day folks.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Even though i fight it with all my might, i always tend to be slightly controlled by my inner hypochondriac. this whole summer so far has been punctuated by a series of not even mildly serious but annoying health problems...leading up to the inevitable fate of getting my wisdom teeth removed. Here is a story from yesterday:

I had an oral surgeon appointment at 9 am, which was already difficult because i had seen my friends' band play the night before ( them out), and i was hungover enough to have a rough time getting out of bed. So i'm in the office (which is in a hilarious art deco building on 57th and madison, i felt really cool entering, like i was back in time, ignoring the fact that i was only going to the oral surgeon) and this lady's like, "your insurance won't cover this" and i was like "what?" and she was like "its gonna cost you $300 dollars for a consultation" and i was like "oh...great". So i finish filling out all this information and then finally (its now 9:45...cause the insurance problem set me back) the nurse says "Right this way." So i follow her into a teeny tiny consultation room (after an x-ray from a monster sci-fi machine) that has shelves with all these tempting books with titles like "Largely Deformed Tumors of the Face" and "Guide to Impactions" and i'm like, "shit...damn...what am i getting myself into". I sit down on the dentist chair and she leans it back so i'm comfortable and says, "the doctor will be in in a minute". So i just sit and think about how it would feel to wake up from anaesthesia in the middle of getting your wisdom teeth out, and eventually i kind of drift off not noticing that i've kind of curled up in the dentist chair and fallen asleep. At one point i jolt awake because the nurse has come back in but only to retrieve a skull from on top of the bookshelf (with great difficulty because its jaw had come disconnected and was lost somewhere). apparently the doctor wanted to demonstrate to another patient what would happen after too many facial procedures or something. So she leaves and i wait some more and of course fall asleep again until i get jolted awake again by a voice saying "hello!". I look up and there's the doctor who's like, a 6'7" Scandinavian giant, and i really hope he didn't see me sleeping. he's like "okay lets see whats going on here and looks at my teeth and he says "yep! all four need to come out!" He gives me this prepared speech about what the procedure entails of and i just nod my head still half asleep. Then he leaves and i'm like, "that was it?" i look at my watch and its 10:45, which means i was asleep for at least 45 minutes. So i go out to pay for it to this little room with an equally little man who writes me prescriptions for premedication and pain relief and stuff and gives me a twenty minute speil about what i'll feel after the procedure...and a scary scary cost estimate...and there are pictures on the wall of barry manilow and some other hilarious looking people. I finally leave, back through the crazy art deco lobby, and its now almost 11:30, and i feel like i just had some kafka/david lynch mega super surreal weird dream experience. and then i go to the japanese pastry store on 49th just to get some of that out of my head (only i also thought it was all hilarious).

so...basically if this was the consultation i am really really scared for the procedure.

Monday, August 27, 2007

tragedy is everywhere

greece is burning. owen wilson tried to commit suicide. and couples everywhere are buying into the consuming process of living happily ever after, starting with feeding their guests gourmet appetizers at hundreds of dollars per head. im sure among gazillions of other awful things happening in the world. a friend emailed me yesterday and wrote that the amazing thing about having international friends is that in a world full of photographers, inundated with visual stimulation to the point that it all becomes meaningless, we still have our voices. all we can do to change the demise of the world as we know it, is share what is going on in our separate countries, neighborhoods,and lives. we can bring the world together one conversation at a time, whether with words or images.
while all this is going on, i quietly googled for six hours today. i came across a few things that are worth sharing so check it out.greece, blind artists,and a couple of galleries dedicated to emerging artists.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

last day

Today I spent my last day as a zing intern organizing itty bitty plastic letters. I got a real job, so now I have to do that five days a week instead of the internship here. The job is not exciting. It has nothing to do with art, which is awfully disappointing. That's right, I'm using my $40,000 master's degree in arts journalism to be a proofreader for a real estate marketing company. Kill me now. But none of the magazines and galleries I applied to gave me a single response, so at this point I need to take any job that's offered 'cuz I've got bills to pay :(

Well it's been fun. Hopefully I will be able to help out with projects from time to time.

On the plus side, there's a party at the Chelsea Museum tonight. One last time to take advantage of my press pass.

dime bags of helvetica

all the letters came today and the office kind of looks like a drug den in that all the little white letters are in these small clear plastic bags and organized throughout the room. i'm real excited to start making these bulletins. i LOVE organizing things and putting things together in a certain order. i'm kind of ridiculous in that way.

yesterday my friends and i had "superfriends wednesday" again (miraculously a large group of my friends don't have work on wednesdays...including me, so we all get together and go on an adventure). yesterday we got kind of a late start but it was still action packed. i got my ear pierced then we went to Babycakes NYC where we got gluten-free red velvet cupcakes (, then we went for a massive walk through the lower east side and chinatown, then went back and walked across the williamsburg bridge and went to the Bedford Cheese Shop ( where we sampled a large variety of cheeses including THE BEST CHEESE ON THE PLANET only i'm forgetting what it was called.

so that was superfriends for this week. here is one thing we noticed:

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

im getting old, but staying lucky

today i woke up in a malaise at yet another strangely cloudy, too cold august day. i had to put a scarf on for crying out loud. yesterday i saw (well, first i heard them) a group of teenage girls in the throws of a hummer-limo ride around nyc. their excitement could not be contained. they yelled and squealed at every person within a 20 mile radius of the over extravagentsicklyhugemonster of a vehicle. today i wondered what happened to that feeling inside me, if it ever existed at all. i must be getting old.
i just saw an article and pictures about some iraq veterans who have been permanently physically disfigured by their experience there. lets all just take a minute, to remember how lucky we are to be living a pretty comfortable life, and that there are people out there who aren't so lucky.when will the madness end? how many people are going to die before the end?
there must be a connection between those girls in the limo and the war but, i wonder if they ever think about life outside the tinted windows?
i may not be riding around in an suv limo, but even on these ugly cloudy days, it could be worse....

Monday, August 20, 2007


this morning i was asked to research an art critic for biographical info, so into google i dove. this is one of my favorite things. digging up things about people i've never met. usually it is someone i'm about to consider a potential coupling with, so the first date can be probed for lies and surprises. this time a potential professional aquaintance. i found the bio as usual, an episode of CSI (that i think didn't actually belong to him), and a picture of his back as he looked out over the balcony of his waitlisted rent controlled apt., and another picture of him on an art magazine site. finally! i knew what this person looked like. different than i expected though. anyway, i'm on my way to lunch, and out of the corner of my eye, i spotted him across the street smoking a cigarette! no way i thought. this never happens. i felt like a bonafide spy. alas, i could not say hello, as that would break all the modern social norms of networking and professionalism. maybe one day he will think it's a funny story...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

really quick post!! really really quick!!! anna wants to leave!!!!

happy birthday to two zing interns who have the same birthday!! and three people at zing are leos which is very interesting. here is our horoscope for the day:

- This is a time to be very objective and cautious. This is also a time to buy property or to start your own business. It is time to build toward the future, establish new foundations for yourself and to assume important responsibilities. A very different path may be opening up to you now with slow but steady progress assured. Good Karma comes your way now.

new look

Today I spent a few hours trying to find an html tutorial for blogger, so I could make this blog personalized and pretty. But the only thing I could find was a tutorial for making and inserting a customized header. So instead I just picked a prettier template that blogger already offers and fiddled with the colors. I also added a new feature to the sidebar: CD, movie, and book recommendations. Hopefully those will continue to be updated every week.

Summertime is so slow. There's not enough to do here.

P.S. Go see Ratatouille. It's really good!

I want some sushi!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

why i love new york

i had one of those mornings today that made me love this city.

i applied for work/trade yoga classes at Bikram Yoga NYC ( what can be better than sweating and stretching in exchange for meeting some great down to earth yoga fanatics?

then i was off to report on exhibitions in chelsea. i had a few shows in mind i wanted to see, and stumbled upon a real gem. hopefully you are reading this today, and will get yourself to these galleries first thing in the morning tomorrow since a lot of them are ending soon....
if you don't see anything else this month go see "A Vicious Undertow" by Jesper Just at Perry Rubenstein Gallery ( i said go. NOW.
also, "June Bride" at Yossi Milo Gallery ( is a poignant look at that special moment...
you have a little more time to bask in the summer road trip feel of "Easy Rider: Road Trip through America" at Yancey Richardson Gallery ( until sept 8.
thats all for now folks, so get off your couch.

i don't usually do this but...

...a kind of sleazy dude just said the weirdest/cutest/funniest thing to me. I was walking back after dropping a package off and concentrating on sending a very important text message (with my eyes glued to the phone screen) when this dude says, "you keep walking like that you're gonna walk into a wall and smash your gorgeous face!" I usually keep a straight face when this kind of thing happens and walk on (as would be expected) but i thought it was so funny and weird that I laughed and said something like, "nice."

anyway...just got back from san fran which was a bit of a fiasco (apartment hunting can be a little rough) but i had a great time. I spent most of my time in the mission but i also looked in sunset and a few other places close to golden gate park.
My favorite things that i did/saw are:
- Green Apple books (in richmond. also cool japanese supply stores there)
- store: "stumasa"
( in sunset. so many amazing products. and they make custom cabinets. and they are really good at gift wrapping.
- botanical gardens in golden gate park
- bars: "phone booth" ( and "elbo room" ( in the mission
- store: 24th St. Cheese Co. in Nob Hill (and farmers market in Nob Hill is nearby and really awesome. they had a live jug band.)
- restaurant: "foreign cinema" ( in the mission. they show movies in the courtyard. the food is really really good.

so...we'll see where i end up! but of any other place in this country that i could live in (besides nyc), this would be it by far.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Life as art

I spent the day researching how life and art are intertwined(...which couldn't be better since i try my best to live my life as an art project...)in "The Accidental Masterpiece,On the Art of Life and Vice Versa" by Michael Kimmelman. A must read, my favorite quote is that "life makes sense not when reason tells you that everything is as it should be. Life makes sense when some imponderable and apparently random event confirms your most irrational prejudices about the world." More on irrationality next time....

Thursday, August 9, 2007


I spent the majority of today setting up a facebook account for zingmagazine! Fun! So anyone who's reading this: if you're on facebook, then search for us and add us to your friends. The "name" is Zing Magazine. As of this moment, we only have two friends. Sad...

I also made a button ad for Spine & Sports Medicine, to go on our website. I'm just that talented. Ummm that's about it for today. Sorry for such a boring entry. It's been a slow day.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

the west coast is calling...

I leave for San Francisco tomorrow. nothing else new to report except i am hopelessly lost with this apartment search. not many people are getting back to me, its pretty frustrating. i just have to keep refreshing craigslist over and over and over....

but some of these places look really neat. i'm not really sure why but so many of the ones i've looked at in the mission have the same green paint on the walls. and fireplaces. check it out:

wish me luck!! speak to you all zing readers next week!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Love means Never having to say You're Sorry

So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye!
I flit, I float, I fleatly flee, I fly....back to Los Angeles tomorrow!
This has been one of the best summers of my life, but all good things must come to an end.
Thank you to all the great readers of zingblog, this really is because of all of you. It's all for the people, that's what zing is all about, and I am honored you have allowed me to be your intern. Hmm, what else, I know I'm forgetting to thank a bunch of people, I didn't write it all down, this is so unexpected (cue elevator music, softly). Um, thanks to my bosses, my fellow zinginterns and our mascot, zingpineapple.
Much love. Peace.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

...but there are worse things i could do

rip bergman and antonioni.

i don't usually read gawker but this was brought to my attention:

thats me, somewhere in that crowd. sarah lawrence college represent! i won't point out which one is me because this blog is supposed to be anonymous.

been watching grease today and i've been figuring out how to play each song on ukulele in my head. i think it may be time for a zing grease sing a long party soon...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I don't know where, I don't know when, but something awful's gonna Happen

So this is my horoscope for today:
You may have an argument with your romantic partner. Don't exchange fire with fire -- this time the fight may very well spiral out of control, leaving you both angry and hurt. Try not to feel depressed about your lot in life, there are many others that wish to be in your position.
Too bad I don't have a romantic partner.
So does that mean that I wish to be in "my" position? HMM. Miss Cleo?
--Woah that was a reference from the past. that just came into my head, but I haven't seen a Miss Cleo commercial in years--
Damn it, they won.

Too bad I didn't have Miss Cleo to foresee the random yet recurring presence of weird deformed-looking guy with stringy blonde hair at the Whole Foods event last night.
Mr. "I don't go to zing parties cause they're not very good" (he relayed this to me the first time I met him--which was a totally random encounter at a bar, where be bragged about going to 12 parties a night, including Martha Stewart's recently-little did I know that my coworkers were quite familiar with him) walks in, pretends he doesn't know who we are (even though we have a big orange tarp up that says 'zingmagazine'), proceeds to take one of everything that's free and walks out. One foul swoop around the room (he didn't even step in the same place twice) and he was outta there! Hilarious.
I guess the Whole Foods event wasn't up to par for Mr. "zing parties aren't good because I get there before anyone shows up and drink all the Champagne" either. Shucks, shoulda hit up Martha. She probably has better free shit to mooch anyway.
Yay Martha!