hey y'alls...new intern on the prowl
some fun things this week
*i showed the printers whos boss
*i spread the new years cheer with some gifts for those in the zing homelands
*its official, the 'real' housewives are the official high sign of the endtimes
some hotness ive been lovin
*lars tunbjörk's book, 'vinter'

* fresh swedish absurdity from one of my favorite photographers, tunbjörk says, "I often feel beside myself in the winter time, and I try to go to warmer and lighter places. But the last couple of years I have travelled into the winter and darkness instead. Into areas, conditions and encounters in which I don’t really know where the outer and inner begins. And even less where it ends." personally, i love tunbjörk's work particularly because it turns the popular perception of swedish and scandinavian culture on its head. check it!
*listening to

*getting my frosty heart melted by
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