Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Where I End and You Begin
Watched Blue Velvet last night. Reactions: What just happened? Awesome lighting. David Lynch is insane, but I love it.
Photographs courtesy of Sebastião Salgado. Fantastic, fantastic.

For your viewing pleasure: Radiohead, Live from the Basement.
Thom Yorke will never cease to fascinate me.
Staying in the music category, I have fallen back in love with Johnny Cash. That man was just born cool.
So, this is my last day at zing :( I'm bummin' but it's been fun.
What I learned:
-How to use the corrupt system that is the Canal St. Post Office (I'm v. concerned about a riot breaking out there in the near future)
-How to find hidden galleries in the LES; believe me they are superbly hidden
-How to use a fax machine (paper goes UPSIDE-DOWN)
-If you have a job anywhere at all, I can find your contact information. Watch out.
-That magazine placement on store shelves is a bigger deal than one might think
-It IS possible to fashion a large cardboard box out of many small cardboard boxes. (Note: lots of duct tape needed)
-How to make a spreadsheet for virtually anything
-How to become an envelope loading/stamping machine
-That this place is awesome. Period.
As a final gesture I will bombard you with images. Thank you artnet. Enjoy.

and one last time, peace&love to all!
Photographs courtesy of Sebastião Salgado. Fantastic, fantastic.

For your viewing pleasure: Radiohead, Live from the Basement.
Thom Yorke will never cease to fascinate me.
Staying in the music category, I have fallen back in love with Johnny Cash. That man was just born cool.
So, this is my last day at zing :( I'm bummin' but it's been fun.
What I learned:
-How to use the corrupt system that is the Canal St. Post Office (I'm v. concerned about a riot breaking out there in the near future)
-How to find hidden galleries in the LES; believe me they are superbly hidden
-How to use a fax machine (paper goes UPSIDE-DOWN)
-If you have a job anywhere at all, I can find your contact information. Watch out.
-That magazine placement on store shelves is a bigger deal than one might think
-It IS possible to fashion a large cardboard box out of many small cardboard boxes. (Note: lots of duct tape needed)
-How to make a spreadsheet for virtually anything
-How to become an envelope loading/stamping machine
-That this place is awesome. Period.
As a final gesture I will bombard you with images. Thank you artnet. Enjoy.

and one last time, peace&love to all!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Move Over Heavens Gate...New Style Icons Are Fresh Off the Compound

*Has anyone seen these ladies and their awesome Larry interview? If not, get thee to You Tube yo. They have officially replaced Heavens Gate as my new style icons. Why, might you ask? Well, besides a shoulder poof that gives the year 1889 a run for its money, can we even start talking about those colors? Who knew gentle pastels could contrast with the desert and underage marriage so well?
!!! Emails Say the Darn'est Things !!!

*Dear Intern Hottie,
Attached please find a press release and photo of the MiniMAX UV-5A, the battery-operated, long-wave UV lamp perfect for determining the authenticity of paintings and other art objects.
We hope your readers will find value in this product and you will publicize it in one of your upcoming issues.
Best regards,
Valerie Scherer
Spectronics Corporation
*Intern Full Disclosure Corner: Okay...I admit it...I work for the Motel Duvet Cover Awareness Coalition, and had to let you all in on this awesome blacklight, so that next time you stay away from your own bed, you can keep yourself from the nastiness that you know some heathen left on top of that duvet cover!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Entropy Reigns

Super cool
Went uptown today to drop off and issue of zing and pick up a press pass from a woman on the 33rd floor of a very large, gold corporate building. After being denied entrance by the front desk (you have to have ID see, and my wallet was stolen last week) I decided to sneak around to the back. I found a nice maintenance man to take me through the windy back hallways of the building and escort me up to the office. After getting stuck on not one, but two elevators I finally reached the 33rd floor, delivered the copy of zing successfully and picked up the aforementioned press pass! I am so stealth.--
I've been researching her all week- she had quite the life. La Vie en Rose indeed.
Today I salute:
Mr. Gainsbourg

This past weekend I saw Shine A Light on IMAX.
Keith Richards is OLD, man. Those super-size screens have no mercy...
Highly recommended.
QUESTION. Why is it easier to remember dates that end in zero like, 1480, more so than, say 1352? I mean zero is still a number right? We still take into account that it's there, right? Whyyyy then? Whywhywhy?
(................history exam soon....)
Clock is ticking down on my time at Zing :( two days left, boo.
peace&love, as usual
Monday, April 28, 2008
New Jersey Sojourn
* team zing took a small side trip to new jersey. the goal? successful transferral of magazines to stockroom. from singapore to grand st, via new jersey, the amazing process of magazine distribution. all so you too could give some love to your own edition of zing.
* team zing traveled over this here bridge four times in one day. its actually a group of ancient drawbridges that create traffic bottlenecks.
* luckily it was a beautiful day, and things went quick with eloquent team work. forget hillshire farms ' go meat' cheer, lets here it for TEAM ZING!
* team zing traveled over this here bridge four times in one day. its actually a group of ancient drawbridges that create traffic bottlenecks.
* luckily it was a beautiful day, and things went quick with eloquent team work. forget hillshire farms ' go meat' cheer, lets here it for TEAM ZING!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Strange & Beautiful

HOORAY for springtime!
This was inspired by a Sanitation Plantation truck that drove down 10th Street the other day....
This was inspired by a Sanitation Plantation truck that drove down 10th Street the other day....
The creation of the sanitation plantation station installation in the nation of animation is an interpretation validation of communication veneration.
The gratification of occupation rotation in summation is a supposation of unification standardization. A fixation on procrastination creates an emasculation admiration. An abomination!
Off to see my first baseball game EVER! After tonight I will officially be 100% American.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Our House in the Middle of the Streets

It faisait beau hier, mais aujourd'hui il y a bcp des nuages...
///letzz talk muzikkk///
Awesome song by The Dirtbombs.
Four Tet remix of Thom Yorke.
Operator Please, Just a Song about Ping Pong.
Alsooo, Kelley Polar, SO COOL. He was a classical violist at Julliad. Now he does this. Sweet.
Breaking news: Vanilla Ice arrested on battery charges. It was inevitable.
New Scorsese film! Rolling Stones! Shine a Light.
Yesterday night I met a man on the street. He was from Sweden. He was smoking Marlboro Reds. Cowboy killers. He had long red-ish hair and he wore a mustard yellow scarf. He had a dog named Smeigel. He found Smeigel on the streets of Amsterdam. Smeigal did not wear a leash. He was very obedient. Mr. Sweden used to be the head of MTV Europe, but now he is out of work. He's producing a music video in his spare time. When he was in college he used to cook pasta all the time and accidentally set the fire alarm off.
...I love meeting people.
1. coagulate, toil, soap, moisture, oval, clover, cacophony
2. clip, wasp, fix, asterisk, tint, decline, eclectic, tepid
3. superfluous, mousse, tube, russian, bulbous, garrulous
4. juice, spice, pine, click, parsnip, pique, quixotic
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Band Name: Rough Cut Cane Cubes
Barcelona highlights part 2:

There's a movie filming outside. All I have heard is that Lucy has been in makeup for quite some time, and Jay needed an umbrella, a red one, pronto.
...who knows.
BE WARNED: the pink eye virus is capable of spreading from one eye to the other, and it will disappear for awhile in between.... don't be fooled, it lingers.... Lesson learned: throw away mascara after having contracted the virus for the first time. Oy.
Top Chef has been on the TV all day. I had no idea cooking could be so intense. I mean this is cut-throat stuff, kids. Don't mess.
::::It's a Rubber Soul kind of day::::
Say the word and you'll be free
Say the word and be like me
Say the word I'm thinking of
Have you heard the word is love?
It's so fine, it's sunshine
It's the word, love.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Shake Your Pockets Out
Barcelona highlights set numéro un:

Beautiful place. Great times. Recommended hostel: Kabul Backpackers Hostel, on Plaça Reial. Sweet stuff.
Just getting over the flu, strep and pink eye...quite the winning combination, no? Long week.
One, two, buckle my shoe
Three, four, shut the door
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, eight, lay them straight
Nine, ten, do it again.
......rather cruel don't you think?
Snippet from Le Pont Mirabeau par Apollinaire::
"Les mains dans les mains restons face à face
Tandis que sous
Le pont de nos bras passe
Des éternels regards l'onde si lasse
Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure..."

Beautiful place. Great times. Recommended hostel: Kabul Backpackers Hostel, on Plaça Reial. Sweet stuff.
Just getting over the flu, strep and pink eye...quite the winning combination, no? Long week.
One, two, buckle my shoe
Three, four, shut the door
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, eight, lay them straight
Nine, ten, do it again.
......rather cruel don't you think?
Snippet from Le Pont Mirabeau par Apollinaire::
"Les mains dans les mains restons face à face
Tandis que sous
Le pont de nos bras passe
Des éternels regards l'onde si lasse
Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure..."
Thursday, March 20, 2008
*check out this hotness from justice, its called DVNO, and although i dont know what that means, i do know that it probably took forever to do, its took buttloads of research, and whoever did it watched copious amounts of 80's televsion. See it you can identify what production company interludes theyre referencing. Genius!*
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Gary, on the kickdrum
New Art Dealers Alliance aka: Networking and Drinking Alliance
Off to Barcelona for a week! Yay!
Peace& love to all.
Off to Barcelona for a week! Yay!
Peace& love to all.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Watches Fatboy? Watches Fatboy? Yea, Son. Son.
*holy crap, thats how i started my day. thats right, some fat douche was getting all pot kettle and calling me fatboy. hopefully hell die in a ditch.*
*lesson learned : avoid canal street like a bad habit.*
*went to a bookstore and researched distribution, tried to make small talk with a miserable mole of a girl only to receive attitude....damn i give up people. i always enjoy going to this bookstore though, i could sit for hours, they have an amazing selection and ive been going for years. good times.*
*its official: new office tv channel is great american country. y'alls need to check it!
*intern express: delivered a trade subscription to a magazine i would bow down and go all 'were not worthy' for, they couldnt have been nicer, and they brightened my day.*
*oh billy...*
*lesson learned : avoid canal street like a bad habit.*
*went to a bookstore and researched distribution, tried to make small talk with a miserable mole of a girl only to receive attitude....damn i give up people. i always enjoy going to this bookstore though, i could sit for hours, they have an amazing selection and ive been going for years. good times.*
*its official: new office tv channel is great american country. y'alls need to check it!
*intern express: delivered a trade subscription to a magazine i would bow down and go all 'were not worthy' for, they couldnt have been nicer, and they brightened my day.*
*oh billy...*
Friday, March 7, 2008
Skip town, slow down, push it to the east coast.
Today I learned that downtown Manhattan is much more sprawled out than I had previously thought.
General question: Who decides where magazines are placed on shelves in bookstores or magazine shops? I think there should be a system. You should be able to purchase eye-level locations or something...
I'm cursed. I have somehow offended the gods of rain and they're punishing me by refusing to ever let me be dry.
Midnight Boom: sweet album, bizarre video.
Probably one of the most awesome pictures I've taken thus far:
Parting words: Caterwaul in the hall from a Gaul named Paul who dropped a ball; don't fall into the tall stall with your shawl, Saul.
General question: Who decides where magazines are placed on shelves in bookstores or magazine shops? I think there should be a system. You should be able to purchase eye-level locations or something...
I'm cursed. I have somehow offended the gods of rain and they're punishing me by refusing to ever let me be dry.
Midnight Boom: sweet album, bizarre video.
Probably one of the most awesome pictures I've taken thus far:

Parting words: Caterwaul in the hall from a Gaul named Paul who dropped a ball; don't fall into the tall stall with your shawl, Saul.
Friday, February 29, 2008
The Big Fish Eat the Little Ones
All Points West Festival, headliner: Radiohead. Yusssss.
atm gallery//prettypretty

I think I should switch my major to Navigation of College Websites.
I also think there's a rhythm to everything. ev. ery. thing.
Get some sleep, and eat mo' vitamin C.
atm gallery//prettypretty

I think I should switch my major to Navigation of College Websites.
I also think there's a rhythm to everything. ev. ery. thing.
Get some sleep, and eat mo' vitamin C.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Western Love, Continued.

* The West Is Still Back *
* This week started out quite fun with a show de-installation in williamsburg with my zing cohorts followed by a delicious luncharoo
*After, I had many trips to the post office in which i built bicep stamina and got even friendlier with our postal service employees, although I believe we may have worn out our welcome at this particular location as they threw tude at my fellow cohort
*Last week I had the joy of manning the gallery for the end of my editor's show, met an artist in the building, but truthfully that was the only soul i encountered. the world doesnt know what theyre missin yalls. i got some exercise by running around the gallery to keep my boot toasty! the gallery is a great space though, maybe one day....maybe one day.
*Last nite i watched 'Badlands' with Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek, a 70's classic. This is kind of post Bonnie & Clyde but pre Natural Born Killers lovers on the run movie, but as opposed to the glorification in the former and latter, this is more quiet. You definetly get the eerie sense that these people dont care who they are killing, let alone that theyre killing at all. The real star however is the American landscape. It was like landscape porn. In the movie they just drive endlessly across the Great Plains, not even on a road. I imagine its kind of romantic and liberating not driving on roads.....just blazin across the landscape is a dream only our original explorers were able to indulge, sigh...
*Side Bar: Did anyone else play Oregon Trail on Apple II E's? I always died of dysentery. Boo.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Down is the new Up
//Hey, Damien Hirst, you got it down//
"Art's about life and it can't really be about anything else. There isn't anything else"
"Art is dangerous because it doesn't have a definable function. I think that is what people are afraid of"
white cube.
On my walk to the UPS store: ketone, acetone, isotone, undertone, overtone, histone, touchtone, monotone, baritone, ditone, microtone, peptone, semitone, atone...
Happy 80th Oscar.
A big hats off to both Marion Cotillard and Daniel Day Lewis (an eloquent shape-shifter, no?).
Of course, Joel and Ethan reign over all.
Notable: Jack Nicholson, front row, shades. King of Hollywood.
Laughter ensues: Eddie Izzard is in NYC until March 8th.
[preshrunk and complete with a strong recommendation]
My favorite sport:: random article.
>> weird plant
>> persephone
>> blood
>> arte povera
>> a white stripes album
Your Fleurs are anything but Mal. Thank you, Baudelaire.
Beauté, Le serpent qui danse, L'invitation au voyage, Spleen, Causerie
Under Tuesday February 12, click on RED BLUE GREEn+...........videotape.
Pastel people peel potatoes passionately.
"Art's about life and it can't really be about anything else. There isn't anything else"
"Art is dangerous because it doesn't have a definable function. I think that is what people are afraid of"
white cube.
On my walk to the UPS store: ketone, acetone, isotone, undertone, overtone, histone, touchtone, monotone, baritone, ditone, microtone, peptone, semitone, atone...
Happy 80th Oscar.
A big hats off to both Marion Cotillard and Daniel Day Lewis (an eloquent shape-shifter, no?).
Of course, Joel and Ethan reign over all.
Notable: Jack Nicholson, front row, shades. King of Hollywood.
Laughter ensues: Eddie Izzard is in NYC until March 8th.
[preshrunk and complete with a strong recommendation]
My favorite sport:: random article.
>> weird plant
>> persephone
>> blood
>> arte povera
>> a white stripes album
Your Fleurs are anything but Mal. Thank you, Baudelaire.
Beauté, Le serpent qui danse, L'invitation au voyage, Spleen, Causerie
Under Tuesday February 12, click on RED BLUE GREEn+...........videotape.
Pastel people peel potatoes passionately.
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