Today was really awesome. I got to design the invite for the next zing party, which was really cool-- and I got in a fight with a woman at the post office. If you have ever had the pleasure of visiting the canal st. post office you know what i mean when i say it is torturing. waiting in ONE line, in an enourmous space where there should be at least six, i think, for 45 minutes minimum with a package that already has postage on it, just needs to be stamped. stamped! come on, give me the stamp, I'll do it myself! Anyway, when my turn finally came, i met my friendly neighborhood postal worker. She must have had about 300 lbs on me (no joke) and when I told her i'd like to send my packages media mail she gave me a look like i had just slaguhtered her first born. i think it was a hex. either way, I decided at that point to do what i needed, and to be really really nice about it because otherwise she'd hunt
me down for 10 years and kill
my first born (or maybe just my dog, i dunno if i'll want kids). So i asked her why I was being screwed on the postage (in the nicest way possible) and she responded by lecturing me (aka repeating the same statments over and over) "it says magazine. if it is magazine, it does not go media mail. you are making the postal companies lose money and it is illegal. you must pay." or something like that. so I endured, until she told me the price to send my package to Canada, then i'd had enough. "ok. thank you. bye." was all i said. i turned and left.
so it wasn't a fight, it was more like an argument. and i was the submissive. well its a good story i think. maybe. the zing invite is gonna look really good though, if i do say so myself.