Super cool
Went uptown today to drop off and issue of zing and pick up a press pass from a woman on the 33rd floor of a very large, gold corporate building. After being denied entrance by the front desk (you have to have ID see, and my wallet was stolen last week) I decided to sneak around to the back. I found a nice maintenance man to take me through the windy back hallways of the building and escort me up to the office. After getting stuck on not one, but two elevators I finally reached the 33rd floor, delivered the copy of zing successfully and picked up the aforementioned press pass! I am so stealth.--
I've been researching her all week- she had quite the life. La Vie en Rose indeed.
Today I salute:
Mr. Gainsbourg

This past weekend I saw Shine A Light on IMAX.
Keith Richards is OLD, man. Those super-size screens have no mercy...
Highly recommended.
QUESTION. Why is it easier to remember dates that end in zero like, 1480, more so than, say 1352? I mean zero is still a number right? We still take into account that it's there, right? Whyyyy then? Whywhywhy?
(................history exam soon....)
Clock is ticking down on my time at Zing :( two days left, boo.
peace&love, as usual