Yesterday I had the pleasure of seeing a movie that was actually good. I think the last time I actually enjoyed a film was like two years ago, so this was a revelation. Well, really thats not true...this was the first current good movie I saw, while Blade Runner and Badlands are amazing but not brand spanking new. Anyways, PT Anderson has a real knack for combining visuals with the perfect score (Boogie Nights soundtrack anyone?) that induced a state of mesmerization. I was transported to turn of the century California, my cynical disbelief suspended...which is in itself a feat. Daniel Day-Lewis is insanely talented and insanely hot, and my obsession with union suits, thermals,long johns and turn of the century miner's wear was satiated. Seriously, the fashion in this movie was insane, so much so that i predict that well be seeing its influence on these here streets quite soon if not already. The West is hot again people. Although there are arguments that this a giant allegory, who gives a crap, enjoy the fact that a director respects the audience enough to tell a story worth seeing and hearing, and something divergent than the usual Hollywood garbage.GO SEE THIS FILM BEFORE I BUY YOU A TICKET.
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