i spent yet another day virtually in austin texas. and with the news on in the background. i tell you, this world is going down the tubes. a kid opened fire on his high school then shot himself, a couple killed a woman after she wouldnt have sex with them, and george bush is still our president. what will it be like when we don't hear his voice coming out of the tv anymore? there is always such hope that things will change with a new election, but will things change? there was a poll taken whose results suggested that hilary clinton was considered the least safe candidate to take care of your children. is that something that we should really be worried about? if i left my hypothetical kids with hilary clinton, i dont think she would do them any harm. in fact, they might even come back a little smarter. seriously people. here i sit blogging away, as i know for sure we all need to get off the internet and start spending more time with real people, friends, family and kids...
anyway enough of my rant. i found the picture above which is great. and one of the artists, wendy tremayne, is collaborator for one of the nation's largest, diy craft and design extravaganza, called swap-o-rama-rama. bless her. those women must have been cold. just like you will be tonight. dont forget to take your airborne, and please use a hanky instead of sneezing and coughing on me in the subway.
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